Guest teacher Jeanne Stevens taught from Paul's letter to the Romans, inviting us to consider the difficult circumstances and battles in our lives in the light of who God has told us he is, and who he tells us that we are. None of us are immune from trial and grief, but all of us are equipped to be more than conquerors with God by our side.
The Gospel According to C.S. Lewis: Joy vs Happiness
The Prodigal: Finding Home
Our guest and brother, Greg Garrett, taught from the Gospel of Luke and shared insights from his book, The Prodigal, co-conceived and written by the late Brennan Manning. God's love is extravagant and his forgiveness is immediate and complete. Every day, we're invited to return home, where he's waiting to run out and embrace us.
The Place Where We Are Right
Easter Sunday: Not Fake News
It was an unbelievable weekend of celebration as we gathered as a family to worship our Risen King. Pastor Chris Seay considered the phenomenon of "fake news", and in contrast, the overwhelming evidence of the transformation within the lives of the individuals and communities that bore witness to Jesus' Resurrection; a witness that continues to be passed down to this day and beyond as we seek to know, serve, and share the love of our Savior.
Palm Sunday: Be Like Thomas
Pastor Chris Seay offered an invitation into Holy Week, continuing to draw from the unique insight of theologian C.S. (Jack) Lewis as we considered the character of Thomas the Apostle and how we handle doubt. Even as we stand shouting "Hosanna!" on this Palm Sunday, will we continue to investigate, wrestling with hard questions, struggling well with a story that defies easy comprehension?
The Choice Is Yours
The Gospel According to CS Lewis: God Wants You
The Gospel According To C.S. Lewis - Koinonia
Jack Wisdom continued our series using both scripture and the unique insight of theologian C.S. Lewis to consider our lives as a dialogue, with God and one another. In Christ, we are offered true koinonia; community, fellowship, authentic communion, a gift that is to be shared in humility with all who would hear.
The Gospel According To C.S. Lewis - Pride
Pastor Chris Seay continued our recent series exploring scripture and the unique insight of theologian C.S. Lewis, entering into the story of Nebuchadnezzar and offering us an invitation to address the places of pride and entitlement in our hearts. In this Lenten season, will we submit these places to God in the hope of transformation?
The Gospel According To C.S. Lewis - Sacredness In Tears
Pastor Chris Seay continued our recent series; drawing from the scriptures and the unique insight of theologian C.S. Lewis to offer us an invitation to better embrace tears. As Jesus himself modeled, we are called to weep alongside those experiencing pain and loss, and shed tears over the division and brokenness in the world.
Changing Our Minds
First Things First
The Gospel According to C.S. Lewis: Children are the Most Important Work
C.S. Lewis On Vocation: Love It, But Not Too Much
Consent to Love
The Gospel According to C.S. Lewis: Transform My Mind
Pastor Chris begins a new series that we'll revisit throughout the year; engaging with scripture and the unique insight of writer & theologian C.S. Lewis. If we desire true and lasting transformation in 2017, it begins from the inside out; with the renewal of our minds, and hearts shaped by obedience.
Pastor Josh Hilburn invited us to consider our lives as united with that of Jesus, and to ask ourselves where we have sought meaning elsewhere. As we focus not on pleasure or power, but on relationships, spiritual health, and participation in God's mission of reconciliation, we discover our true purpose and impact in the world.