First Things First

Pastor Josh Hilburn invited us to consider the Church as a temple made to create space for anyone and everyone, with Jesus as our sole foundation; a people built together by God so that we'd work passionately and tirelessly to build up others. 


Ephesians 2: 19-22

1 Kings 8: 60

Ephesians 4: 11-12

You can't get second things by putting them first. You get second things only by putting first things first. 

-C.S. Lewis

Don't get too busy in the work of the Lord that you don't have time for the Lord of the work. 

-Josh's Grandfather


How does your life create space for others to see and experience God; especially those without space (kids in the foster system, immigrants, refugees)? 

Where do you have a tendency to to be a temple turned inward? If Jesus showed up in your life, what tables would He flip over? 

What practical step(s) will you commit to make to be less of a consumer and more a participant in God's work in and through the Church? 

Worship Set

Oh How I Need You (Find You)

Psalm 66

God's Highway

In Christ Alone

Gravity Of Love

Can't Help Myself
