Beloved family, we pray blessing and peace upon your Christmas celebrations. As we pause in remembrance of the Incarnation, we're each called to consider anew the implications of Jesus' arrival in our hearts and lives. May this unexpected gift disrupt us. May we be changed in ways that propel us forward in greater faithfulness, hope, and love, throughout the year that lies ahead. God bless you, Ecclesia. Merry Christmas.
Note: No audio this week. Our weekly sermon podcast will return next weekend on 12/31.
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Image by our dear brother, Scott Erickson. Support his work HERE
Luke 2: 10-14
Worship Set
Joy To The World
O Come All Ye Faithful
Hark, The Herald Angels Sing
Open Up
Why Does God Have To Look So Human?
Away In A Manger
Oh, Holy Night
Silent Night