The Power of Presence

Pastor Josh Hilburn made a call for us to reconsider the ways we attempt to be saviors and problem solvers, and instead, to simply embrace our role as servants of all. As we serve in humility, as we continue to show up in presence, reminding the hurting and marginalized that we won't abandon them, we're reminded of the God who tells us without fail; "I'm here."


2 Kings 2: 1-4


We were joined this weekend by our friends from Presbyterian Children's Homes and Services. If you feel called to engage in the vital work of addressing the foster care crisis in Houston, to extend love to one of the over 4,000 kids in the foster program of our city, you can find more information HERE

Josh suggested that we speak up less and show up more, knowing that the assurance of our presence is often inconvenient and costly. Where and how will you commit to "show up" to love and serve? Who will you seek to ensure that you won't abandon them? What are you willing to sacrifice to continue showing up long-term? 


Song of Hope (Heaven Come Down)

Come Thou Long Expected Jesus

In Feast Or Fallow

Rock Of Ages

God's Highway
