Pattern of Christ

Our guest teacher Gideon Tsang considered the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, and the imitation to which we've been called. As we surrender to God's image within us, we can begin to see and embrace our beauty, and live as mirrors to reflect the light of Christ into the world. 

Gideon is a pastor at Vox Veniae in Austin. 


John 13: 1-17


Gideon invited us to consider the following spiritual practices. How will you integrate them into your daily rhythms? 

-Ask beautiful questions in un-beautiful moments

-Find your bells. Ring your bells. 

-Take 10 seconds this week to reflect on those who've loved you into what you've become. Reciprocate weekly. 


O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

Be Thou My Vision

Send Out

Great Are You Lord

Psalm 34

Holiday at Sea