Free: "I'm Shameless"

Pastor Chris finished our series on sin, judgement, and forgiveness, and the lasting freedom and peace found only in Christ. When we are honest about our brokenness, we can begin to see ourselves as God sees us, as his beloved. Freed from shame, our identities are no longer defined by our failures, but by the eternal love of the Savior that paid our debt, inviting us to new life. 


Luke 5: 8-10

1 Peter 1: 13-25

Romans 7: 24 - 8: 6



All of us have failures that we're holding onto; private shame that we continue to carry. How might you begin to release these things in vulnerability and truly receive God's forgiveness? Consider speaking them aloud to a family member or trusted friend this week. 

Today, we paused to celebrate the women in our community. We love you all! We know that while this is a day of great celebration and joy for many, others experience "Mother's Day" as a time of sadness, disappointment, and loss. As we seek to honor all the women who have nurtured and cared for our community (mothers, aunts, teachers, neighbors, advocates), think of a woman who has made an impact in your life and a way to extend them a sign of your gratitude. 



Leaning On (The Everlasting Arms) / 'Tis So Sweet

How Great Thou Art


Lift Him High

Holy, Holy, Holy

Tasting Forgiveness