Shaming Shame

Dr. Dan Allender joined us to further engage the discussion of shame that Pastor Chris Seay began last week. Considering our experiences of shame, and our tendency toward hiding, blame, and contempt, Dan offered a beautiful and vital reminder of Christ's victory over any curse or accusation that would attempt to claim power over us. 


Colossians 2: 13-15


What words of shame and condemnation have you allowed to be "curses", keeping you from seeing yourself as God sees you; as his beloved? 

Contempt is rampant in our culture. In what places do you find yourself participating in contempt? In your friendships, your family, your marriage, on social media, at your school or workplace, how will you turn instead to the furthering of kindness and glory?


Awake My Soul

Solid Rock

O Love That Will Not Let Me Go

God's Highway

Psalm 34

Rock of Ages