Transformative Community

Pastor Josh Hilburn concluded the recent walkthrough of our calling and identity as Houston's Holistic Missional Christian Community, and why we believe community is vital to who we are. When we live with vulnerability and honesty, offering our committed presence, and opening our hearts and homes to diverse experiences and viewpoints, God will change us in surprising and remarkable ways. 


1 Corinthians 12: 7-27


As you consider the need for diverse perspectives in your relationships, where are the "blind spots" of your unique context and experience of the world? 

What do you find most stands in the way of your ability to fully commit to community? 

What are some relationships in your family, neighborhood, school, or workplace that need some renewed attention? What's one tangible step you'll commit to make this week? 

Worship Set 

Oh How I Need You (Find You)

Jesus Paid It All

Dust We Are And Shall Return

Come As You Are

Go Outside

My Sweet Lord
