Pastor Sean Palmer continues the conversation we began last week; engaging with the book of Ecclesiastes and what it reveals about our search for meaning and purpose in life. Will we cling to the things we know will fade, or turn our attention and energy toward the things that will outlive these days under the sun?
Starting Over
As we continue seeking God’s direction to meet both the possibilities and the challenges of this new year, Pastor Chris invites us to examine our own patterns which are so often repeated and leave us feeling stuck. Learning from the past, and committing anew to discipline in the present, we pray for Jesus to show us the way as we step with trust into the days and months ahead.
The Choice of Connection
Pastor Chris Seay urges us to consider how the radical transformation of the Apostle Paul speaks to our role as followers of Christ in a time of division. Opposing hate is only the beginning. The more challenging work to which we are called amid the turmoil is choosing connection across places of disagreement and difference.
Your Authentic Self
The Thing That Has To Change Is You
Pastor Sean brings us into the new year reminding us that without our willingness to change, 2021 won’t bring the changes we desire. Through the teachings of Jesus in the gospels, Sean shows us how a sober view of reality, being intentional, and choosing wisdom set us up to be people able to be changed.
Begin Again, Again
As we continue celebrating the joy of Christmastide, Pastor Mike Yager offers a message of hope as we look ahead to the new year. The Incarnation once again reminds us that God keeps his promises, and offers the invitation to trust anew today; releasing the weight that hinders us from living fully in the moment to which we have been called, and committing to do so in community.
Advent Week Four: Good News For Everyone
As we look ahead to our Christmas celebration, Pastor Chris Seay reflects upon the incredible transformations that have taken place in communities near and far due to your faithfulness and generosity. As we seek again to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all, we anticipate the ways that God will continue to change us, and the whole world, through our participation in this sacred season.
To find out more, and to take part as we gather our best gifts to Jesus as a family to provide clean water around the world, click here.
A Thrill of Hope: Awesome
Advent Week Three: The Gift That Changed Everything
Pastor Chris Seay invites us to consider once again the tenets which guide us into living a different kind of Christmas. As we seek to worship fully, spend less, give more, and love all, we anticipate the ways that God will continue to change us, and the whole world, through this sacred season. Join us in this ongoing Advent Conspiracy. To find out more, and to take part as we gather our best gifts to Jesus as a family to provide clean water around the world, click here.
A Thrill of Hope: Flesh and Bone
Advent Week Two: The Baby and The Dragon
Pastor Sean Palmer invites us to remember what the apocalyptic vision of Revelation tells us about the world into which Jesus is born. When we neglect to see Christmas as the hopeful scene of a cosmic battle, it becomes easy to instead focus upon the sanitized and distorted version offered by a culture of accumulation and consumption.
A Thrill of Hope: A Weary Mom Rejoices
Welcome back to “A Thrill of Hope,” a podcast and simultaneously an invitation — an invitation to slow down, remembering all that is true of Christ: who He was and is, His coming, His kingdom, and His love.
In this second installment, Julie Ramos confronts the sense of weariness she and many others have felt this year, as she reminds us of the promises of God fulfilled in Jesus’ coming and in our daily lives. She invites us to move, and to recognize the movement of God in our midst that restores our hope and leads us to rejoice.
Advent Week One: The Common Cup
Pastor Chris Seay invites us into the season of Advent, in which we remember and await Jesus’ coming. As part of a global family of faith, we believe that we are called especially in this season to share joyfully from our abundance, and we will continue doing so as a church family this year by partnering with efforts to bring clean water to places in desperate need. Chris enters the scriptures to remind us that generosity springs from a grateful heart, and suggests practices to grow us in gratitude.
A Thrill of Hope: Advent Disrupted
Welcome to “A Thrill of Hope,” a podcast and simultaneously an invitation — an invitation to slow down, remembering all that is true of Christ: who He was and is, His coming, His kingdom, and His love.
In this inaugural installment, Pastor Sean highlights our seemingly innate desire for tradition, especially during this time of year. He asks what we are to do when our situation mandates that those traditions change or even cease. But is Advent the tradition, or is it possibly meant to be a disruption to the mundane?
You Say You Want A Revolution?
Pastor Sean Palmer teaches from Matthew 16; inviting us to consider the ways that the religious and cultural expectations of the anticipated Messiah in Jesus’ day mirror our own gravitation to the conqueror rather than the suffering servant. The path Jesus has given us is not one of power and coercion, but instead the faithful obedience to take up our cross and follow him.
Undistracted Time
Ericka Graham invites us to look again to the story of Moses and the burning bush, offering the important reminder that practices which grow our mindfulness and attention are only a first step. It is when looking up in wonder and awe becomes a habitual discipline that we might hear God’s voice calling to us more clearly.
Kingdom Citizens
Pastor Chris Seay reminds us, navigating a climate of such division, that our true citizenship is not a question of nation or party-platform, but the belonging in which we all share as members of God’s kingdom. Teaching from the Sermon on the Mount, Chris invites us to recenter our hearts and lives as we seek to walk the narrow path of Jesus’ expansive love.
Relationship, Not Rules
Pastor Chris Seay, with a special appearance from our brother Marcelo Robles, reminds us that the heart of Christianity is not a checklist of regulations, but an invitation into relationship with God. He urges us to consider how we might renew a sense of friendship with our creator, through intentional time, nurture, and care.
Stay Woke
Pastor Sean Palmer invites us into three parables that Jesus chooses to tell together, and the common theme that binds them; the mistakes made when we forget to live and prioritize our lives in a way that remembers that the Master is coming back! Meeting others with kindness and attentiveness, and seeking always to use our gifts to bless and serve, we live expectant that we will encounter the Divine.