A Thrill of Hope: A Weary Mom Rejoices — Ecclesia Houston

A Thrill of Hope: A Weary Mom Rejoices

Welcome back to “A Thrill of Hope,” a podcast and simultaneously an invitation — an invitation to slow down, remembering all that is true of Christ: who He was and is, His coming, His kingdom, and His love.

In this second installment, Julie Ramos confronts the sense of weariness she and many others have felt this year, as she reminds us of the promises of God fulfilled in Jesus’ coming and in our daily lives. She invites us to move, and to recognize the movement of God in our midst that restores our hope and leads us to rejoice.

A Thrill of Hope: A Weary Mom Rejoices

Intro - Julie Ramos

O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Performed by Matt Broaddus, Paul Pelc, Ashley Kinsel, and Yvonne Smith

Teaching - Julie Ramos

May You Find a Light

Performed by Gabriel O’Neale, Matt Braoddus, Paul Pelc, Wesley Cortiaus, and Chris Verner

Outro - Gabriel O’Neale