A Thrill of Hope: Advent Disrupted

Welcome to “A Thrill of Hope,” a podcast and simultaneously an invitation — an invitation to slow down, remembering all that is true of Christ: who He was and is, His coming, His kingdom, and His love.

In this inaugural installment, Pastor Sean highlights our seemingly innate desire for tradition, especially during this time of year. He asks what we are to do when our situation mandates that those traditions change or even cease. But is Advent the tradition, or is it possibly meant to be a disruption to the mundane?

Intro - Sean Palmer

O Come All Ye Faithful

Performed by Aaron Niequist

Teaching - Sean Palmer

O Holy Night

Performed by Sarah Fuselier, Matt Broaddus, and Paul Pelc

Outro - Paul Randall

Other Voices - Rita Palomarez, Manny Sanchez, Keith Suchland, and Katie O’Neale