
Pastor Chris Seay introduces a new series on the Celtic Way of Evangelism. Through the story of St. Patrick, we are offered a glimpse of the kind of transformation and sharing of faith to which we are also called. As we meet others authentically and compassionately in the midst of their own stories and contexts, the presence of God will be revealed, and a new or renewed relationship with Jesus will be made possible.


Matthew 28: 18-20

Reflection & Practice

Pastor Chris invites you to take on the “taqueria challenge.” Over the next month, will you find ten people that you can treat to a delicious (and economical) meal throughout our city? Commit to ask them good questions, listen attentively, and remind them how beloved they are in the eyes of God.

Chris also teaches on our call to engage with the Scriptures in creative ways. Find some time this week to read aloud, either by yourself, or with a family member or group. Truly attempt to feel the words and allow your voice to be a conduit for them to be proclaimed. The Psalms are a great starting point to do this.

Worship Set

Tis So Sweet

Psalm 66 (You Are Great)

It Is Well

We Will Feast

The Master’s Calling

Come Light Our Hearts