Love Is Our Superpower

Pastor Chris Seay continues our series of conversations on love; exploring love as the antithesis and antidote for fear. When we truly receive God’s love and embrace in faith that the saving work of Christ has liberated us from shame and condemnation, our hearts and lives open up to love vulnerably, boldly, and courageously.


Gen 3: 9-12

1 Cor. 13: 4-5

1 John 4: 18

Psalm 139: 23-24

Proverbs 31: 30

2 Timothy 1: 7

“Lois Lane: Oh,come on. You’re—

Superman: No different from anybody else who uses the gifts God gave them to help people.”

—Adventures of Superman

All fear is rooted in a sense of exclusion, exile and permanent abandonment.

— Dan Allender

Reflection & Practice

Chris spoke at length about the many fears that can keep us caught in cycles of resentment or shame, or simply prevent us from making bold steps in trust. What fears might you be wrestling with and how might those fears “say their prayers” and lead to courage?

Worship Set

Leaning On The Everlasting Arms


It Is Well

Holy, Holy, Holy

Brokenness Aside

God’s Highway

