Turning Grief Into Action

Pastor Chris Seay calls upon all in our Ecclesia family to serve in some particular ways as we continue to grieve with all those touched by the shooting at Santa Fe High School. We are called to respond as those covered in the grace and mercy of our Savior, to transform shame, especially in the lives of young people in vulnerable circumstances. 


Psalm 121: 1-12
2 Corinthians 3: 4-5
Hebrews 12: 1-4

It may be somewhat paradoxical to refer to shame as a 'feeling,' for while shame is initially painful, constant shaming leads to a deadening of feeling. Shame, like cold, is, in essence, the absence of warmth. And when it reaches overwhelming intensity, shame is experienced, like cold, as a feeling of numbness and deadness. [In Dante's Inferno] the lowest circle of hell was a region not of flames, but of ice---absolute coldness.”
― James Gilligan

“The most dangerous men on earth are those who are afraid they are wimps” 
― James Gilligan

“All violence is an attempt to replace shame with self-esteem.” 
― James Gilligan

“I have yet to see a serious act of violence that was not provoked by the experience of feeling shamed or humiliated, disrespected and ridiculed.” 
― James Gilligan

“Children are not a distraction from more important work. They are the most important work.” --- C.S. Lewis


We're asking all gun owners to ensure that they are stored securely away from anyone who should not have access. Share with others and spread the word to your social media networks if this is something you commit to do. #ecclesiahouston #secured

Please join us in this collective commitment to serve in the lives of young people in our community, especially those at-risk. Here is a list of some organizations with whom we partner. 


 I Shall Not Be Shaken

Come Thou Fount

Dust We Are And Shall Return

I Surrender All

Gravity Of Love

Can't Help Myself
