
Guest preacher Ines Franklin shared a powerful message following our Exodus series and the tragic killings at Santa Fe High School. In times of trial, we often forget our rescue. In remembering, we are re-centered in the hope and endurance that sustains us through trauma and grief. 

Ines serves with our friends at Mariners Church in Irvine, CA


Judges 8: 34

Philippians 2: 6-8

Psalm 18: 17

Colossians 1: 13

John 4: 7-30


Ines shared a particular experience of rescue. Look back into your own experiences of deliverance or healing and speak a prayer of gratitude. Or in areas in which you might feel currently needing rescue, a prayer of hope in God's strength to intervene. 

Please pause to pray for the families of those murdered at Santa Fe High School, and for all those in the community gripped in trauma. Plan to be with us next weekend as Pastor Chris shares more about how we as a family will be called to respond. 

Pentecost / Santa Fe Responsive Invocation


Awake My Soul

How Deep the Father's Love

Nothing But The Blood

Psalm 34 (Taste & See)

Lament (We Cannot Wait)

Send Out Your Light (Psalm 43)
