Advent - Week Four: Expansive

During this final week of Advent, we invite you to join us in a rhythm of pause and reflection as we continue to consider our call to be radically changed by the arrival of Jesus into the world. Join us as we reflect on what it means to love all; to widen our tables to reflect the expansive love of God and the incarnate example of our Savior. We pray that this collection of music, prayer, and meditation will be a blessing and encouragement to you this week.

Liturgy & Meditation Written by
Eric Walley & Mike Yager

Narrated by
Debs Walker
Chris Seay
Deji Osinulu
Mike Yager

Scripture Reading by
Katie Walley
Luke Randall
Paloma Huertas
Emmanuel Ramos
Zane Cook
Kelli Hebert

“May The Peace of God”
Lyrics & Music by Paul Pelc
Vocals by Paul Pelc & Sarah Fusilier

“Come Thou Long Expected Jesus”
Lyrics by Charles Wesley
Music by Rowland Pritchard
Arranged by Phil Cartwright
Vocals by Phil Cartwright & Krisly Philip

Original Score
Brian Mann
The African Children’s Choir

Music Engineering & Mixing
Ty Robins, Wire Road Studios

Voiceover Engineering
Eric Walley

Produced by
Brian Mann