Politics of Jesus: Incarnation

Pastor Josh Hilburn continues our discussion on how the Church is called to engage in this season. The politics of Jesus is not about simply feeling something, but truly showing up and doing something. Focused on people, and not simply issues. How will we overcome anger and fear, and be a people of incarnate kindness, compassion, and justice in the name of the Kingdom? 


Matthew 12: 9-14

James 1: 19-20

Ephesians 4: 30-32

John 16: 33


In what ways have you been more concerned with issues themselves than with the people affected? What relationships can you build to realign your focus toward people as you seek to engage important social issues?

What are you angry about in this election season? How can that anger be transformed into action of kindness and compassion? 

How has your fear of a certain candidate or issue clouded your trust that God is in control? 

Worship Set 

Slow Me Down

Psalm 66

Come Thou Fount

God With Us

This Is My Father's World

The Lord's Prayer