The Church does not exist for the sake of merely sustaining itself. As the Body of Christ we exist as the primary instrument through which God tells His story of love for all people. As members of this body, we are called to participate in this sacred work, both at home and throughout the world.
Romans 13:8 says—
“Don’t owe anyone anything, with the exception of love to one another—that is a debt which never ends—because the person who loves others has fulfilled the law.”
The opportunity for Ecclesia to eliminate the remaining debt at 1100 Elder would allow us to even more boldly pursue our part in God’s global plan. God is calling us to fight for justice, to seek freedom for the poor and oppressed, and to serve the considerable needs of the city we call home and those of brothers and sisters around the globe.
Daily Reflection:
How might your words and actions this week serve to bear witness to the Gospel through love for all those God places in your path?
Knowing that many around the globe are without basic necessary resources, are held in slavery, or are subject to persecution and violence, How can we more genuinely view these burdens as injustices carried by God’s beloved; our own family?
Daily Prayer:
Lord God,
We confess that all too often, our hearts are consumed only by that which affects us directly. We thank you for calling us into community, and into mission. Make us instruments of your peace. Guide us in the ways we’re called to love others in your name. As we give, and hope; remind us that you are already at work. Allow us to humbly join you, however you might call us to take part.
We pray this as a family, in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.