photo: asher castillo
It is often tempting to separate life in to things that we view as purely sacred and things that we view as purely secular. This dichotomy may be comfortable or familiar, but it is not true. The truth is that God is ruling over all things and seeking to work through all things.
1st Chronicles 29: 11-12 says
11 "Indeed everything that is in the heavens and
the earth belongs to You.
The kingdom belongs to You,
O Eternal One, and You are the head of it all.
12 Wealth and glory come from You,
and You rule over them all."
Everything belongs to God. This means that tucking your kids in bed at night is sacred. Sitting in Houston traffic- sacred. That dinner with your parents- sacred. As we seek to eliminate our debt on 1100 elder, we must acknowledge that the money we have and the money we give is sacred. Our wealth, big or small, is a sacred gift from God.
We are made to be holistic, and we are made to embrace the gift of our fully sacred life.
Daily Reflection:
Do you live your life as if it all belongs to God?
How could your generosity help you embrace the gift of your fully sacred life?
Daily Prayer:
Lord God,
We confess that we often fail to acknowledge the sacred nature of our life. Help us to know that all of life comes from you, and you rule over all. As we give our finances, remind us that they never really belonged to us.
We pray this in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.