Pastor Chris Seay continues a series of teachings around crucial dimensions of faith and our call as followers of Jesus as we have returned to regular rhythms of gathering in person. Today, we look to the teaching of the Prophet Micah to help us reconnect with God’s call that we a people with hearts inclined toward justice; which begins with humbly opening our ears to hear the cries of the oppressed.
Twenty Seconds
On this Pentecost Sunday, Pastor Sean continued our conversation about the dynamics of re-connection during a season in which we have returned to regularly gathering in-person. The gift of the Holy Spirit confirms our adoption into the embrace of one covenant family; an echo of God’s declaration in Genesis that we are not made to be alone.
A Time To Reconnect
It was a great joy to officially gather back indoors for worship at both campuses this weekend, and we continue to be thankful for each small milestone on the path of renewal. Pastor Chris urges us to consider how the lessons of these difficult many months might lead us into deeper connection with God, and perhaps reestablishing connection with the kind of community in which we are seen, known, and valued.
Recovering Gentleness
As the Easter season unfolds, Pastor Chris continues an ongoing conversation about the things in our lives which we long to see transformed in the Resurrection life. He urges us to confront and examine the cancer of comparison as it manifests within us, and how Jesus guides our hearts from envy into contentment.
Get The Engine Running
Pastor Chris Seay guides us in hope as we continue observing the season of Eastertide; inviting us to reflect upon the practical ways that repentance and confession lead us toward a new way of thinking and being in the light of the Resurrection. Drawing from God’s revelations to the Prophets Jeremiah and Ezekiel, Chris asks us to look to our own valleys, where “dry bones” await the breath of new life.
The Question
Pastor Sean Palmer teaches as we continue in this season of Eastertide. Astonished as Jesus calms a stormy sea, the disciples ask the vital question which continues to mystify us: “who is this?” If we profess that the risen Christ is the true and living God, how will that meaningfully change our minds and our lives, that this would indeed be a season of resurrection?
Revelation in Crisis
Ericka Graham preaches on this Second Sunday of Easter, inviting us into the familiar story of “doubting” Thomas. She calls us to imagine how the hope of resurrection might continue to reshape the heartache and grief we have experienced over the past year, and how we can trust God with the sifting of our lives, that the risen Christ would lead us into renewed purpose and passion.
Easter Sunday: The Resurrected Life
Ecclesia, he is risen! As we we celebrate the Resurrection, Pastor Chris Seay invites us into the Easter story once again. We reflect upon the immense grief our world has experienced over the past year; looking forward as hope seems to be breaking over the horizon. How will the risen Christ guide us as faithful servants toward cultivating meaningful connection and community in this new world?
The Night Before: The Lamb
On Palm Sunday, Pastor Chris Seay concluded the brief series which has led us toward Easter; considering the practices observed by Jesus on the night he was betrayed. We are reminded once again, through the inauguration of a new kind of Passover feast, the importance of table fellowship as we live out faithfulness in community.
Hold Fast: Eye of the Storm
The Night Before: Parting Words
Pastor Sean Palmer continues our brief series directing us into the practices engaged by Jesus on the evening he was betrayed. Knowing that he was about to depart, Jesus prays a prayer calling those remaining in world to be formed into a people of presence, unity, and sacrificial love; the people the church is meant to be.
Hold Fast: Growing Faith
The Night Before: Divine Melody
Pastor Chris Seay continues a brief series guiding us toward Resurrection Sunday; exploring the things that Jesus did during the night he was betrayed. A curious detail tells us that Jesus sang a hymn with the disciples before departing to the Garden. Chris invites us to consider the ways that music connects us with God, with memory and story, our own bodies, each other, and with hope.
Hold Fast: Steadfast Love
Welcome to the first installment of “Hold Fast,” our Lenten podcast. In this segment, Pastor Sean reminds us of the deep, unending love of God as we look back on the difficulties of the past year. We invite you into a season of hope as we look forward with expectation to what God has in store for us in this season.
The Night Before: Dirty Work
Pastor Sean Palmer begins a new series that will guide us toward Resurrection Sunday as the journey of Lent continues. Engaging with the practices undertaken by Jesus during the night he was betrayed, Sean leads us to consider first the vitality of serving others; following in the example of our Savior.
Ecclesiastes: While We're Young
Pastor Chris Seay concludes our series in Ecclesiastes, as Solomon honestly reflects upon his failures and calls us to learn from the wisdom of his experience. When we commit to being real with God, with ourselves, and with others, we help to cultivate space for others to do the same, and to create communities of truth and trust.
Ecclesiastes: 32 Degrees
In the wake of the widespread impact felt by Winter Storm Uri, Pastor Sean Palmer continues our time together in the wisdom and mystery of the Book of Ecclesiastes with a timely reminder that none of us are immune to disaster and suffering. We are called to be a people with instinctual empathy and solidarity in these inevitable times of trial, while also living fully and joyfully in these fleeting days under the sun.
Ecclesiastes: On Balance
Pastor Chris continues our time engaging with the wisdom found in the Book of Ecclesiastes. As we look ahead to the season of Lent, traditionally a time of abstaining, you might be keenly aware of the things which have already been given up over the course of a challenging year. Chris urges us to shift our perspective about this invitation into fasting, and enter into these “solemn” weeks with surprising joy and gratitude.
Ecclesiastes: If One Falls
Pastor Chris continues to walk us through key lessons from the Book of Ecclesiastes. As many of us seek to establish and practice new rhythms, the wisdom of Solomon reminds us that satisfaction will not be found in what we can accumulate or achieve, but primarily in the relationships that we have the opportunity to nurture.