Pastor Chris explores the story of Jacob and Esau, uncovering how envy can keep us from fully living into our God-given identity. When we focus on what others have, we miss the beauty of what God has already placed within us. Join us as we dive into the Genesis narrative and discover how naming our beauty leads to freedom, purpose, and a life rooted in gratitude.
“Envy is the darkest emotion and is Satan’s core motive of hatred. Who curses you because they envy your gifting?
If you are not naming your own beauty you will envy others. All envy is cursing.”
— Dan Allender
“Try to imagine a shame-free world where there is no looking at oneself with judgment, where there is looking at the other with nothing but joy. Looking at your fellow man, your fellow woman, and your God and the world He created—all these relationships would be playful. Your day would be full—an investigation of stars, of cells, of trees. In the garden, everything would have been new and fresh and alive, and everything would have been connected to something else that one doesn’t know…
There would be an accumulation of joy each and every day as you climbed the highest mountains and dived the deepest oceans. At the end of your play—in the cool of the day—God shows up. And he’s going to sit down with you, eager to hear what you’ve investigated, what you found, what kind of joy you discovered. It is sitting down with a really good brew, with a really good meal, having a conversation with a really good friend about the best things in life.”
— Dan Allender