Finding Friendship

Pastor Sean continues the friendship sermon series by telling stories from his life as well as from Scripture. He talks about the different types of healthy friendships and what they look like in action.


“Friendship is practically the job of childhood and adolescence.”

— Gatherine Bagwell


Ruth 1:16-17

Ruth: Stop pushing me away,
 insisting that I stop following you!
 Wherever you go, I will go.
 Wherever you live, I will live.
 Your people will be my people.
 Your God will be my God.

Wherever you die, I will also die
 and be buried there near you.
 May the Eternal One punish me—
 and even more so—
 if anything besides death comes between us.


Luke 5:17-26

17 One day Jesus was teaching in a house, and the healing power of the Lord was with Him. Pharisees and religious scholars were sitting and listening, having come from villages all across the regions of Galilee and Judea and from the holy city of Jerusalem.

18 Some men came to the house, carrying a paralyzed man on his bed pallet. They wanted to bring him in and present him to Jesus, 19 but the house was so packed with people that they couldn’t get in.

So they climbed up on the roof and pulled off some roof tiles. Then they lowered the man by ropes so he came to rest right in front of Jesus.

20 In this way, their faith was visible to Jesus.

Jesus (to the man on the pallet): My friend, all your sins are forgiven.

21 The Pharisees and religious scholars were offended at this. They turned to one another and asked questions.

Pharisees and Religious Scholars: Who does He think He is? Wasn’t that blasphemous? Who can pronounce that a person’s sins are forgiven? Who but God alone?

Jesus (responding with His own question): 22 Why are your hearts full of questions? 23 Which is easier to say, “Your sins are forgiven” or “Get up and walk”?

24 Just so you’ll know that the Son of Man is fully authorized to forgive sins on earth (He turned to the paralyzed fellow lying on the pallet), I say, get up, take your mat, and go home.

25 Then, right in front of their eyes, the man stood up, picked up his bed, and left to go home—full of praises for God! 26 Everyone was stunned. They couldn’t help but feel awestruck, and they praised God too.