Ericka Graham leads us through one of the most important biblical stories of our faith with the transformation of Saul to Paul. Ericka reminds us that through Jesus we have experienced this transformation alongside people in our lives.


Acts 9:1-3

1 Back to Saul—this fuming, raging, hateful man who wanted to kill every last one of the Lord’s disciples: he went to the high priest in Jerusalem 2 for authorization to purge all the synagogues in Damascus of followers of the way of Jesus. His plan was to arrest and chain any of Jesus’ followers—women as well as men—and transport them back to Jerusalem. 3 He traveled north toward Damascus with a group of companions.

Acts 9:3-9

Imagine this: Suddenly a light flashes from the sky around Saul, 4 and he falls to the ground at the sound of a voice.

The Lord: Saul, Saul, why are you attacking Me?

Saul: 5 Lord, who are You?

Then he hears these words:

The Lord: I am Jesus. I am the One you are attacking.

6 Get up. Enter the city. You will learn there what you are to do.

7 His other traveling companions just stand there, paralyzed, speechless because they, too, heard the voice; but there is nobody in sight.

8 Saul rises to his feet, his eyes wide open, but he can’t see a thing. So his companions lead their blind friend by the hand and take him into Damascus. 9 He waits for three days—completely blind—and does not eat a bite or drink a drop of anything.

Acts 9:10-23

10 Meanwhile, in Damascus a disciple named Ananias had a vision in which the Lord Jesus spoke to him.

The Lord: Ananias.

Ananias: Here I am, Lord.

The Lord: 11 Get up and go to Straight Boulevard. Go to the house of Judas, and inquire about a man from Tarsus, Saul by name. He is praying to Me at this very instant.

12 He has had a vision—a vision of a man by your name who will come, lay hands on him, and heal his eyesight.

Ananias: 13 Lord, I know whom You’re talking about. I’ve heard rumors about this fellow. He’s an evil man and has caused great harm for Your special people in Jerusalem. 14 I’ve heard that he has been authorized by the religious authorities to come here and chain everyone who associates with Your name.

The Lord: 15 Yes, but you must go! I have chosen him to be My instrument to bring My name far and wide—to outsiders, to kings, and to the people of Israel as well.

Ananias: Brother Saul, the Lord Jesus, who appeared to you on your way here, sent me so you can regain your sight and be filled with the Holy Spirit.

18 At that instant, something like scales fell from Saul’s eyes, and he could see. So he got up, received the ceremonial washing of baptism identifying him as a disciple, 19 ate some food (remember, he had not eaten for three days), and regained his strength.

20 Then he went into the very synagogues he had intended to purge, proclaiming,

Saul: Jesus is God’s Son!

21 Obviously this amazed everybody, and the buzz spread.

The People: Isn’t he the man who caused so much trouble in Jerusalem for everyone identified with Jesus? Didn’t he come here to arrest followers of Jesus and bring them in chains to the religious authorities? Now he’s switched sides and is preaching Jesus?

22 As time passed, Saul’s confidence grew stronger and stronger, so much so that he debated with the Jews of Damascus and made an irrefutable case that Jesus is, in fact, God’s Anointed, the Liberating King.

23 They didn’t like being confounded like this; so after several days, the Jews plotted to assassinate Saul.

Acts 9:30-31

30 His fellow believers helped him escape by bringing him to Caesarea and sending him to his hometown, Tarsus. And so the church enjoyed a period of peace and growth throughout the regions of Judea, Galilee, and Samaria. The disciples lived in deep reverence for the Lord, they experienced the strong comfort of the Holy Spirit, and their numbers increased.

Saul: Lord, who are You?

Ananias: Here I am, Lord.

Acts 9:8

Saul rises to his feet, his eyes wide open, but he can’t see a thing. So his companions lead their blind friend by the hand and take him into Damascus.