Worship Through Movement

When Wayne was in charge of the movement portion of Kid's Camp in 2020, he used a very simple phrase that resonated deeply with not only the kids, but adults as well, "God made your body, and your body is good." While on the surface this is a simple concept, it unlocked a number of good conversations around Ecclesia regarding what does it mean to have a body, and what does it look like to worship God with our bodies. In this episode of the podcast Wayne sits down with Eric to have a conversation around the topic of worship through the act of moving your body. They covered things such as body positivity, what it means to embrace discomfort, and Wayne also shares about his own journey with exploring his own relationship with his body over the course of his life.

At Ecclesia, our mission is to be a community that seeks to follow Jesus in all areas of life, and that includes our worship. We believe that there are many ways to worship God beyond just music and Sunday gatherings. If you're interested in learning more about our church community in Houston, Texas, please visit our website at www.ecclesiahouston.org. There you can learn more about ways to connect in small groups that enjoy moving their bodies, including a running group!

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