A Life Full of Joy & Laughter

Pastor Chris shares the story of Rena Quint, a holocaust survivor. Her story of survival and suffering led her to a dedication to living a life of joy. Rena’s story is inspiring and challenges us to examine the ways we view our own lives.

Live Teaching Podcast

Scripture & Quotations

Matthew 6:19-27

19 Some people store up treasures in their homes here on earth. This is a shortsighted practice—don’t undertake it. Moths and rust will eat up any treasure you may store here. Thieves may break into your homes and steal your precious trinkets. 20 Instead, put up your treasures in heaven where moths do not attack, where rust does not corrode, and where thieves are barred at the door. 21 For where your treasure is, there your heart will be also.

Matthew 6:19-27

22 The eye is the lamp of the body. You draw light into your body through your eyes, and light shines out to the world through your eyes. So if your eye is well and shows you what is true, then your whole body will be filled with light. 23 But if your eye is clouded or evil, then your body will be filled with evil and dark clouds. And the darkness that takes over the body of a child of God who has gone astray—that is the deepest, darkest darkness there is.

Matthew 6:19-27

24 No one can serve two masters. If you try, you will wind up loving the first master and hating the second, or vice versa. People try to serve both God and money—but you can’t. You must choose one or the other.

25 Here is the bottom line: do not worry about your life. Don’t worry about what you will eat or what you will drink. Don’t worry about how you clothe your body. Living is about more than merely eating, and the body is about more than dressing up.

Matthew 6:19-27

26 Look at the birds in the sky. They do not store food for winter. They don’t plant gardens. They do not sow or reap—and yet, they are always fed because your heavenly Father feeds them. And you are even more precious to Him than a beautiful bird. If He looks after them, of course He will look after you. 27 Worrying does not do any good; who here can claim to add even an hour to his life by worrying?

Proverbs 6:16-19

16 Take note, there are six things the Eternal hates;
    no, make it seven He abhors:

17 Eyes that look down on others, a tongue that can’t betrusted,
   hands that shed innocent blood,

18 A heart that conceives evil plans,
    feet that sprint toward evil,

19 A false witness who breathes out lies,
    and anyone who stirs up trouble among the faithful.

John 15:9-14

Jesus: 9 I have loved you as the Father has loved Me. Abide in My love. 10 Follow My example in obeying the Father’s commandments and receiving His love. If you obey My commandments, you will stay in My love. 11 I want you to know the delight I experience, to find ultimate satisfaction, which is why I am telling you all of this.

John 15:9-14

12 My commandment to you is this: love others as I have loved you. 13 There is no greater way to love than to give your life for your friends. 14 You celebrate our friendship if you obey this command.