The Body of Christ

Ericka Graham closes out our series on the Theology of the Body by discussing what it means to be the Body of Christ. Ericka explains that we all have a connective call to the body of Christ that invites us to participate as our authentic selves.

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Scripture & Quotations

He is neither visible nor invisible, and he is both. In him, all things hold together. 

- Martha Spong


1 Corinthians 12:12-31

12 Just as a body is one whole made up of many different parts, and all the different parts comprise the one body, so it is with the Anointed One. 13 We were all ceremonially washed through baptism[a] together into one body by one Spirit. No matter our heritage—Jew or Greek, insider or outsider—no matter our status—oppressed or free—we were all given the one Spirit to drink. 14 Here’s what I mean: the body is not made of one large part but of many different parts15 Would it seem right for the foot to cry, “I am not a hand, so I couldn’t be part of this body”? Even if it did, it wouldn’t be any less joined to the body. 16 And what about an ear? If an ear started to whine, “I am not an eye; I shouldn’t be attached to this body,” in all its pouting, it is still part of the body. 17 Imagine the entire body as an eye. How would a giant eye be able to hear? And if the entire body were an ear, how would an ear be able to smell? 18 This is where God comes in. God has meticulously put this body together; He placed each part in the exact place to perform the exact function He wanted.

Galatians 5:6

Here’s the thing: in Jesus the Anointed whether you are circumcised or not makes no difference. What makes a difference is faith energized by love.


1 Corinthians 12:31

31 Pursue the greater gifts, and let me tell you of a more excellent way—love.