The Antidote to Shame

Pastor Sean invites us to hear Jesus’ encounter with the Samaritan woman at the well with new ears. This is an invitation to examine our stories of shame and allow Jesus’ kind presence to bring hope and healing into places of isolation and despair.


John 2:1-30

“We are storytellers. We yearn to tell and hear stories of goodness and beauty, and this is the echo of God’s intention. We long for our stories to be about joy, not just reflections of what we believe but of who we are, who we long to be… But shame wants very much to infect every element of the mind in order to distort God’s story and offer another narrative… To relationally confront our shame requires that we risk feeling it on the way to its healing. This is no easy task. This is the common undercurrent of virtually all of our relational brokenness. We sense, image, feel and think all sorts of things that we never say, because we’re far too frightened to be that honest, that vulnerable. But honest vulnerability is the key to both healing shame — and its inevitably anticipated hellish outcome of abandonment — and preventing it from taking further root in our relationships and culture.” 

— Curt Thompson, The Soul of Shame


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