
Our beloved brother Scott Erickson invited us to consider prayer, images, and identity. What will seed, grow, and flourish in the fertile space of that imagination? How will we participate in “the way” rather than submitting to what lies “in the way” of our continued call to be the enduring presence of Jesus?


John 14: 5-7

Matthew 6: 25-33

Reflection & Practice

What do you believe God is imagining for you right now? Is that scary? What are the first steps you might take? Be reminded, as Scott teaches, that you have everything you need to do what you have been asked to do.

What beliefs/words/images are “in the way” of what God is calling you into? Which are you prone to use in scapegoating or segregating others, thereby avoiding compassionate engagement?

Worship Set

I Shall Not Be Shaken


It Is Well

Gravity Of Love

When You Are Not Enough

Even My Darkness