Follow The Thread: John 3

Pastor Chris Seay brought us into the fuller context around the often quoted John 3:16 in order to consider Jesus’ unfailing heart for the outsider, the truth he continually proclaimed about who he is, and the invitation of eternal hope that he offered to Nicodemus just as he freely and lovingly offers it to us and to all.


John 3: 1-7

Reflection & Practice

Read over the story again this week, thinking first about whatever weights or worries you may be carrying with you; anything you need to release. Then read it slowly with the truth in your mind that you are powerfully, perfectly, endlessly loved in your Savior’s eyes. We’re all snake-bit, and we all need a savior.

What other singular verses of scripture often come to mind to you as those you may quote out of context? Consider spending some intentional time in study to more fully understand the context in which they fall.

When he later saw Jesus lifted up on the cross, it moved Nicodemus out of the shadows to the place where he followed Jesus in public - the radical kind of conversion that we pray for every person we encounter. Consider some steps you can take this week to be more bold in your faith.

Worship Set

Tis So Sweet

How Great Thou Art

How Deep The Father’s Love

Gravity Of Love

Wood And Nails

Oh, To Be Loved
