Dancing In Your Underwear

It's always a joy to have Scott Erickson back with us. He shared a beautiful and personal message about the dangers of comparison, the vitality of true contribution, and how loving God, loving others, and loving ourselves with genuine abandon can be infectious. 

You can learn more about Scott's work and journey at his website


2 Samuel 6: 15-21

John 21: 18-22

St. Francis Prayer

Reflection & Practice

Scott suggested a spiritual practice that may help to cure us of comparison. Make a list of the things you love, and why you love them. Be specific. Be generous. Take some time. You may find that there is a great wealth of goodness that you wouldn't want to give up for "someone else's life or journey." 

Worship Set 

Tis So Sweet

Come Thou Fount

Dust We Are And Shall Return

Psalm 34 (Taste And See)

Brokenness Aside

Even My Darkness
