Sleepless Nights

Pastor Sean Palmer offered a message on the vitality of hope in a time of inescapable anxiety. In facing the inevitability of loss, death, and disappointment, will we be a people who are ruled by fear and anxiety, or will we find rest in a hope that is living and expectant; in the confidence that our God truly cares for us?


1 Peter 1: 3

1 Peter 5: 7


Consider taking 30 minutes this week with a partner or small group to observe the practice of Lectio Divina (divine reading). As Sean asked us to consider our places of lament and the nature of hope, we invite you to read Psalm 77 in this way:

  • First, create an atmosphere of quiet and peace. Find a comfortable position. Take a few deep breaths.

  • Read the psalm aloud slowly. As you do, ask the Spirit to reveal a word or short phrase from the psalm that resonates with you. Hold on to it. When the psalm is complete, observe a time of silence, and then share that word or phrase aloud and without comment (if in a group) or continue to meditate on it (if alone). Take your time.

  • After a few moments, read the psalm a second time. During this reading, ask the Spirit to prompt you again. Are you present to your body? What are you feeling? What is encouraging? What may sit uncomfortably? When the psalm is complete, observe silence, and then share those reflections.

  • Read the psalm a third time. During this reading, ask the Spirit to offer you a prompt about how you might be led into action. What are you meant to carry with you from this passage? Repeat the process of silence and sharing.

  • Pray.


Awake My Soul

Come Thou Fount

It Is Well

Come And See

Brokenness Aside

My Sweet Lord
