Pastor Chris continued our series, "The World Was Not Worthy Of Them" with the beginning of a reintroduction of our calling and identity as Houston's Holistic Missional Christian Community. He discussed the foundation of the early church, our unique witness to this great city, God's love for the whole of creation, and how we begin to offer the fullness of our lives in gratitude.
Luke 24:36-53
Acts 2:40-47
Colossians 3:16-17
Chris spoke on the concept of Gnosticism, a division of the spiritual and material. What aspects of your life have you made "off limits" to God, whether willfully or unwittingly? When you think of your life as holistic, what areas come to mind as needing further attention?
My Beloved
Blessed Assurance
We Will Feast
Holy Holy Holy
Turn Your Eyes Upon Jesus
Can't Help Myself