Our guest teacher, Pastor Jason Shepperd, walked through the feeding of the four-thousand in the Gospel of Mark, offering a message on the gathering together of our giftedness and resources, and how we might be more attuned with our call to respond without hesitation and with radical compassion when we see a place of need.
Mark 8: 1-13
What gifts, whether material, or your time and talents, have you been given, but have resisted dedicating to the collective work of the Church? How might that change?
Look back on your week. Think of a moment that you missed an opportunity to be present, attuned, and responsive to a need in front of you. How might you have responded with greater compassion? Think of a recent time when you truly were present and engaged with another person in a moment of need? What relational impact was gained?
'Tis So Sweet
All The Poor And Powerless
How Deep The Father's Love For Us
The Master's Calling
Because He Lives
Send Our Your Light (Psalm 43)