Call Him Good

Guest teacher Nish Weiseth invited us to consider how we anchor our trust in the goodness of God, even as we experience times of great trial. Through rhythms of scripture, prayer, and community, we begin to grow in the ways that we're able to recognize his goodness all around us.


Psalm 34


Nish called us to "mark" our blessings; the ways that God has and unfailingly continues to display his goodness in our lives. How has his goodness been apparent to you this week? How will you seek to cultivate greater awareness in the seemingly mundane of the day-to-day?

In the trials that you currently face, what do you need God to "be" in this moment? Schedule some time daily over the next week to pray with this in mind. 


Faith's Review & Expectation

Solid Rock

Beautiful Things

Oh To Be Loved

Call Him Good

I Came To Believe