Resurrect Me: Preparing for Lent


Luke 5: 30-35

Luke 4: 1-2

“In a more tangible, visceral way than any other spiritual discipline, fasting reveals our obsessive attachments and the assumptions that lie behind them.” –Marjorie Thompson

”Pride and a too-full stomach are old bed-fellows… Fasting, then, is a divine corrective to the pride of the human heart.  It is a discipline of the body with a tendency to humble the soul.” –Arthur Wallis, God's Chosen Fast

“Nothing is so inconsistent with the life of any Christian as overindulgence.” — The Rule of Benedict

”When you are fasting and feel hungry, you are to remember that you are really hungry for God.” — Lauren Winner, Mudhouse Sabbath

”Do you wish your prayer to fly towards God?  Give it two wings: fasting and almsgiving.” –Augustine, fifth century

“Fasting expands our ideas of ‘feasting’ on Christ.” — Jan Johnson, Fasting and Simplicity