
Hi Ecclesia, thank you for joining me today in this practice on gentleness.

Let's begin by situating our bodies in a comfortable position and taking 3 deep breaths together to help us settle into our practice. Maybe tell God, I am here.

May our God give you the eyes to see the gentleness in yourself and others that come through the Holy Spirit.

What comes to mind when you think of gentleness?

Maybe you thought of a person you love or a memory close to your heart. Maybe you think about nature or something you love.

Now bring to mind an event when you were gentle with someone you love. Maybe a friend or a spouse or a child.

Now think about the last time you were truly gentle to yourself.

Not as easy right? We are so hard on ourselves and gentle to others. Now bring to mind how God displays gentleness to you.

If you are like me your inner critic might be anything but gentle. It might tell you that you aren't enough in a demeaning manner and be very cold. This is not of God. God's gentle nature tells us we are more than enough. I believe there are glimmers of God's gentle nature all around us.

Meditate on Philippians 4:5

“Let your gentleness be evident to all. The Lord is near.” Silence 30 seconds

Take a few moments now just to rest quietly in God’s gentle and loving nature. Here we practice silence, letting go of our words simply to enjoy the experience of being in the presence of God.

Ecclesia may you always feel God's gentle spirit and voice especially when everything around you is hard. May we as a people share gentleness with others so they too can feel the true nature of God. Go in peace.