You have made us to be Generous

God provides, but we often greedily hoard as if His well will run dry. In 2nd Corinthians, the Apostle Paul tells a story about generosity: 

2 Corinthians 8:1-4

1 Now, brothers and sisters, let me tell you about the amazing gift of God’s grace that’s happening throughout the churches in Macedonia. 2 Even in the face of severe anguish and hard times, their elation and poverty have overflowed into a wealth of generosity. 3 I watched as they willingly gave what they could afford and then went beyond to give even more.

This is a story about a group of churches that in the midst of experiencing great poverty, still gave generously. They had every reason to hoard their scarce resources, but instead they opened their hands to give generously. It can be tempting to fall in to a scarcity mentality; fearing that you will never have enough. God is operating in a different economy. The Kingdom economy has enough for all. The churches in Macedonia knew that God provides and we should too. God has made us to receive His gifts of grace and give them away freely to those in need. God has made us to be generous.

Reflection Questions:

How has God displayed his divine provision in your life? 

How can you open your hands in generosity this week? 


Lord God, 

Help us to know that you provide and that in your economy there is enough for all. Open our hands to give generously, and remind us that generosity is a gift of grace. 

We pray this as a family in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit. Amen.