Acts 6:8 - 7:60


  1. Find a quiet place and an unhurried time to spend some quality time with God. Begin by asking God to join you in this special time.

  2. Step outside your immediate concerns for the day and focus your attention on knowing Jesus and seeking his guidance.

  3. Read the passage of the day slowly. Notice what stirs in you as you read this passage.

  4. Read the passage again, slowly. Look for a word, phrase, or thought that God seems to be highlighting for you and your life.

  5. Meditate on that message and ask God, “What are you inviting me into in light of this passage?”

  6. Write down the impression you have from this passage. It may be helpful to keep a journal of each day’s thoughts.

  7. Take a deep breath and rest with God, noticing how Jesus’ message lingers with you for the day.