Worthy Of Blessing- The Beatitudes

This week Pastor Sean Palmer introduces are new series on The Beatitudes and talks about what it means to be blessed.


Luke 17:21

Jesus: The kingdom of God comes -but not with signs that you can observe. People are not going to say, "Look! Here it is!" They're not going to say, "Look! It's over there!" You want to see the kingdom of God?The kingdom of God is already here among you

Matthew 5:1-12

Now when He saw the crowds, He went up on a mountain (as Moses had done before Him) and He sat down (as Jewish teachers of His day usually did). His disciples gathered around Him. And He began to teach them.

Jesus: Blessed are the spiritually poor (poor in spirit) the kingdom of heaven is theirs. Blessed are those who mourn -they will be comforted.