Lead Like Nehemiah

Pastor Chris Seay continued our series in Nehemiah, considering the various ways he modeled leadership, and how we are a people called into rhythms of curiosity, hospitality, focus, and celebration. 


Nehemiah 1: 2-4

Nehemiah 4: 19-21

Nehemiah 5: 14-19

Luke 5: 30-33

Nehemiah 6: 4-11, 15

Nehemiah 12: 43-44

Reflection Questions

In considering rhythms of hospitality; with whom are you sharing a table? Will you commit to rhythms of inviting others into that space; both those inside a shared community of faith, and those who bring a different perspective and experience? 

Chris suggested that in approaching the "Wall' to which each of us are called, there are a number of incremental goals. What are the small goals you need to set to place you along the path to completing the larger wall? How will you commit yourself to that path this week? 

Worship Set 

'Tis So Sweet

Be Thou My Vision

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

Come As You Are

Come And Listen

Rock Of Ages (When The Day Seems Long)
