As we enter into the new year, we want to spend some intentional time to dive deeper into becoming the people that God designed us to be. We believe that God has created us uniquely and calls us to step into a life where we take what God has placed in us and use it to bless others. 

This will be a journey of increasing self-awareness while also strengthening an outward focus, so that we better know how to be a blessing to the communities around us. Join us as we discover what it means to be "co-creators" with God. 


Developing Healthy Character - Who do I want to BECOME?
Sunday, February 2nd at 3:00pm at our Downtown Campus (1100 Elder St.)

Enneagram with Karen Peery - Who am I REALLY?
Saturday, March 1st from 9:00am - 3:00pm  at our Downtown Campus (1100 Elder St.)
$25 fee includes lunch and some snacks at the event

Resources- Podcasts

The Enneagram Journey

Apple Podcast - LINK
Spotify Podcast - LINK

Around the Circle: An Enneagram Podcast

Apple Podcast - LINK
Spotify Podcast - LINK

Erwin Mcmanus

Apple Podcast - LINK
Spotify Podcast - LINK

Apple Podcast - LINK
Spotify Podcast - LINK

Sleeping At Last - Enneagram Songs

Resources- Books

Stand Against the Wind by Erwin McManus

Character Matrix Resource


StrengthsFinder 2.0 by Gallup

Strength Finders


Uprising: A Revolution of the Soul by Erwin McManus

Character Matrix Resource


The Road Back to You: An Enneagram Journey to Self-Discovery
