broad daylight series
other resources
As a church we want to be fully committed to racial healing, justice, and truth. We are called to this necessary and difficult work. Below is a list of resources for you to consider as you engage in racial education. We recognize that this not an exhaustive list of powerful books, films, and organizations, but these come personally recommended by our Ecclesia staff.
These books serve as challenging and educational reads focused on racial healing, justice and truth.
Learn and engage with podcasts centered around race and culture.
Films and Videos
These thought-provoking films and videos serve to challenge and educate.
Support Local
Below are lists of local Black owned restaurants and businesses.
Family Resources
This packet is intended to equip families to engage with their children in courageous and necessary conversations about racism, the current climate, recent losses and future actions.
Below you will find a list of organizations, comprised of Ecclesians or friends of Ecclesia who seek to tackle some of the facets of racism and do so in the name of Jesus. This is neither an exhaustive list, nor an attempt to say these organizations will take down every facet of the system. Again, this is a starting point for those who would like to do something tangible to address specific portions of the system of racism.
Restoring Justice provides holistic and loving legal defense and social services for the marginalized in our community.
Project Curate seeks to enact emancipatory and liberating practices of public and community engagement.
Be the Bridge creates awareness and responds to the racial brokenness and systemic injustice in our world. People are no longer conditioned by a radicalized society but grounded in truth. All are equipped to flourish.
Houston Welcomes Refugees fosters hope amidst crisis. The thoughtful way HWR encourages volunteers to be a part of this care brings meaningful engagement with refugees, many of whom are people of color.