Hudson Adams Memorial Service

This week, a young brother in our community was taken from us far too soon. Hudson Adams, 19,  was serving as a camp counselor when he contracted a rare amoeba that attacked his brain in sudden and aggressive fashion. We stand beside the Adams family in devastation over his loss, and were grateful for the opportunity to host an overwhelming outpouring of love in his memory and for those he has left behind. His joyful, humble, selfless spirit will be deeply missed by the countless lives he has touched.

Practice Resurrection

Guest teacher Gideon Tsang continued his conversation from last weekend on resurrection as a pattern lived out in imitation and participation. Especially following a dark week; a week of loss, fear and anger, how are we called in Christ not simply to receive, but to participate in God's work of resurrection and renewal? 

Pattern of Christ

Our guest teacher Gideon Tsang considered the story of Jesus washing the feet of his disciples, and the imitation to which we've been called. As we surrender to God's image within us, we can begin to see and embrace our beauty, and live as mirrors to reflect the light of Christ into the world. 

The Power of Presence

Pastor Josh Hilburn made a call for us to reconsider the ways we attempt to be saviors and problem solvers, and instead, to simply embrace our role as servants of all. As we serve in humility, as we continue to show up in presence, reminding the hurting and marginalized that we won't abandon them, we're reminded of the God who tells us without fail; "I'm here."

Hymns: All Creatures

Pastor Chris invites us to consider the whole of God's creation, singing out in praise; that in all that we eat and drink, and as we experience the wonders of the world and creatures he made, we would be ever reminded of his divine and majestic artistry and continually submit to him in awe and gratitude, caring well for the gifts with which he's entrusted us. 

Hymns: Just As I Am

Pastor Chris returned to our series exploring the backgrounds of classic hymns, offering the story behind "Just As I Am" by Charlotte Elliott. As we humbly submit the fullness of our lives before God, just as we are, we're reminded that God's heart is for all people, that no one is left out, and that He has made us to carry out the work of Christ in the midst of our brokenness. 


Our guest teacher, Paul Unsworth from Kahaila in London, invited us to consider our preparation to enter the promised land as a people consecrated before God. As we ask God in faith for the extraordinary that only he can orchestrate, and as we learn to reach out in humility to invite the help of unbelievers, we begin to see the greater fullness of his story at work in his people, and all around us. 

Two Are Better Than One

Pastor Chris taught from Lusaka, Zambia; calling our community to consider how we gather together resources and offer our unique giftedness to engage the work of the Gospel, impacting families and communities in ways that are far beyond what any one of us can do alone. He also offered an important update on an exciting new development for the future of our Ecclesia family.

Shaming Shame

Dr. Dan Allender joined us to further engage the discussion of shame that Pastor Chris Seay began last week. Considering our experiences of shame, and our tendency toward hiding, blame, and contempt, Dan offered a beautiful and vital reminder of Christ's victory over any curse or accusation that would attempt to claim power over us. 

Free: "I'm Shameless"

Pastor Chris finished our series on sin, judgement, and forgiveness, and the lasting freedom and peace found only in Christ. As we are honest about our brokenness, we begin to see ourselves as God sees us, as his beloved. Freed from shame, our identities are no longer defined by our failures, but by the eternal love of the Savior that paid our debt, inviting us to new life.

Dig Deeper

Pastor Chris Seay offers an update on the work that God is doing in Nicaragua, and throughout Latin America; how we’ve been called to be involved through our partnership with Living Water International, the fruit that is already being borne, and our invitation to other communities of faith to join us in this vital mission. 

The Anointed Ones

Pastor Josh Hilburn opens the scripture in Acts to explore Jesus' "sending" of his followers; a people chosen and called to continue his ministry. The Resurrection means that we as the Church, the ecclesia, the "called out ones", are no longer spectators or guests, but instead hosts of the continuing celebration, performing signs and wonders in community, pointing toward Heaven, and orienting our whole lives toward participation with God's renewing work in our world.

Easter Sunday: Because He Lives

As we gathered in the heart of downtown Houston to celebrate Jesus’ glorious Resurrection, Pastor Chris taught through the disciples’ story in John 20. Because the tomb is empty, because we are witnesses to His glory, because He lives, we are invited into new life in Christ, led no longer by fear, but by faith. We thank you all for being a part of this great celebration!